South Island Gallery / Whitewater / 2009-12 Wet week on the West Coast  

 Graham on Styx
 Boof on Styx
 Graham on Kakapotahi
 Normal flow for Kakapotahi
 Off to the Crooked
 Phil on the Crooked walk-in
 Phil on the crooked, high flow
 Bug on Bent and Twisted
 Phil on Bent and Twisted
 Lower Crooked gorges
 Phil on Airmail on Kakapotahi, high flow (normally 3 channels here!)
 Phil about to run the Tunnel
 Bug on Airmail
 Sticky hole below airmail, must find out where the gauge rock is...
 Nice line straight over where the syphon is
 Back for a second run, Rich on the syphon boof
 Awesome massive flow on the Totara, maybe 300 cumecs for out second run
 Tom and Bug
 Awesome flow for Bluebottle Creek (and Kennedy's and Kaniere) too
 Rob on Bluebottle (tree portage)
 Local flooding near Hokitika
 Hokitika river--5000 cumecs maybe
 Blackball creek, low flow
 Phil on the Nine Mile Slide!!!
 On Nine Mile Creek north of Greymouth, easiest to inspect by just paddling to the top
 Awesome end to the trip

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